We are honored to announce numerous conferences and industry summits for 2016 and planning is well underway for even more in 2017. Organizing conferences is always a challenge. With the help of our members and of other passionate enthusiastic people around the globe we can do this in a collaborative and innovative manner.
Should you have an interest in organizing events, please do not be a stranger. We welcome your involvement as a part of the conference leadership team, as a track chair, a manuscript reviewer, identifying speakers, or perhaps organizing a conference and most importantly as an attendee. Please let us know. Please inform your colleagues or friends about our conferences.
All of these events are designed to provide opportunities to discuss, to debate, to obtain new insights or ideas, to network, and to be an important part of your current and future success. Our conferences provide the opportunity for the TAC’s to arrange for a sub-event on their specific interest or sub-meeting providing networking opportunities for you. Contact us and we will work with all of the applicable local conference organizers to create a leveraged win-win opportunity.
May 13 – 14: IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, ETHICS 2016. Vancouver, Canada
Building upon the success of the IEEE ETHICS 2014, this conference is hosted by the IEEE Vancouver Section in cooperation with the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia. Tracks include: A. Ethics Fundaments; B. Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering Disciplines; C. Ethics, Morality, Law, and Culture; D. Ethics, Society, and Environment; and E. Ethics and Education.
June 6 – 10: IEEE Tech Industry Summit Santa Clara, California/ USA
This inaugural industry summit with a focus on the Internet of Things and features senior industry speakers. As a special feature, a collection of IEEE ‘attached’ events, conferences and workshops will explore the technology research, focus areas, and even technology management challenges. This overall event is designed to bring value to industry, attendees, and the IEEE community. On Wednesday 8th our attached event will be held, the IEEE TEMS workshop “Technology and Business Challenges in IoT (Internet of Things) Deployment”.
This one of the premier conferences associated of TEMS. The ICE conference therefore discusses systems engineering as a socio-technical task with a focus on design of products and services, and the entrepreneurial innovation process for its adoption in society and economy.The conference will have the first issue of the Prof. Bernhard Katzy Award, named after our recently passed away board member Prof. Dr. Bernhard R. Katzy who spoke to our members a last time during our September 21 2015 event on Management Challenges of IoT. This year the ICE/IEEE conference theme will focus on “Bringing Forward the International Agendas for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Technology & Engineering Management” with special attention on “Women & STEM Leadership”, “User-Driven & Frugal Innovations” and “Tech Startups”, aiming to open the international dialogue for setting the direction of the ICE related disciplines research and innovation agendas for the next decade. The organizers are pleased to announce that this year for the first time, the Global Venture Lab (GVL) lab summit will be held in Trondheim, Norway in collaboration with the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (IEEE TEMS) at the ICE Conference on Wednesday June-15th, 2016.
August 18-20: 2016 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE). Olten Switzerland
Special tracks include: A. Enterprise Ecosystem and Enterprise Strategy in the Context of Big Data; B. Big Data and Business Analystics; C. Healthcare Dynamics and Solutions in Changing Societies; D. Financial Innovation and Risk Management; E. Data-Driven Engineering System Analytics and Urban Sustainability; F. Strategy and Innovation Management, and Challenges of CrossBorder Collaboration. General tracks include: Business Policy and Strategy, Decision Analytics and Support, E-Business and E-Government,Financial Engineering and Management, Regional Development and Policy, Technology and Innovation Management, Social Media Analytics, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Operations Management, Strategy Management, Public Administration Theories and Methodologies, General Management Science & Engineering Topics.
September 19 – 21: 11th ICDIM 2016 – International Conference on Digital Information Management. Porto Portugal
The International Conference on Digital Information Management is a multidisciplinary conference on digital information management, science and technology. The principal aim of this conference is to bring people in academia, research laboratories and industry together, and offer a collaborative platform to address the emerging issues and solutions in digital information science and technology. Digital Information technologies are gaining maturity and rapid momentum in adoption across disciplines. The digital community is producing new ways of using digital information technologies for integrating and making sense out of various data ranging from real/live streams and simulations to analytics data analysis, in support of mining of knowledge. The conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the theory, design and implementation of digital information systems, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations.
November 3-4 European Technology and Engineering Management Summit. E-TEMS 2016 Frankfurt/ Main, Germany
This industry focused two-day event will bring together engineering and technology executives and managers, academic innovators and new and high potential actors interested in technological and engineering management leadership. The program features speakers and experts from renowned companies and organizations like Siemens, Intel, BMW, BOSCH and the European Patent Office. The event will be hosted and administered by the IEEE TEMS Society with the Germany chapter acting as the local organizing committee. Conference language will be English. Scientific papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.
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