Innovation, exciting visions of the future, and new products and services were the orders of the day for the February 2016 meeting of your AdCom held in Los...
Category - Archive
A recent TEMS Chapter event was held in New Deli on January 13th in association with the CCI, Indian Railway. Mr. V.K. Dutt was the event Co-Chair. Over 200...
Our team has been involved in activities to build membership in TEMS in 2016 based on the following strategies: Offering value to members and chapters...
The proposed Talent Management for Technology Leaders (TMTL) course is an edX pilot Course that includes 16 class hours where Participants will: Learn how to...
Dear fellow TEMS members: As current president of TEMS, I would like to make you aware of the IEEE 2030 Initiative, its proposed changes to the IEEE...
We are honored to announce numerous conferences and industry summits for 2016 and planning is well underway for even more in 2017. Organizing conferences is...
I would like to re-introduce myself to the IEEE TEMS community. My name is Mark Werwath; I was on the Board of Governors for our predecessor IEEE Engineering...
The Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) has initiated a membership engagement program with the establishment of Technical Activities...
Dear Fellow TEMS Members: Just in time to the prime of the year, I would like to present the Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) newsletter...