The Publications Department of IEEE TEMS is undergoing some radical changes. Lets start with EMR: Our new editor in Chief for EMR is Joe Sarkis from Worcester...
Category - Publications
P. Kotter, “Leading change: why transformation efforts fail,” in IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 42-48, Third Quarter 2009...
The IEEE EMR, the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) journal of practice, will transition to original content in 2018. EMR serves those...
A. Special Issues Proposals for special issues on topics of current interest in engineering, technology, and innovation management are always welcome. Please...
Special Issues Proposals for special issues on topics of current interest in engineering, technology, and innovation management are always welcome. Please send...
For too long the TEMS organization has been too inwardly focused. We were focused on who we were, what we have done, what we are doing and how people could get...
TEMS Publications has had an amazing year. We have been able to completely redo our newsletter and our website with much help from our new webmaster Ravikiran...