Author - michaelandrews


Value of Volunteering

Someone asked me recently “Why do you volunteer?”.  There are many reasons and a simple answer.  Volunteering provides me stories I can tell. Over the years...


TEMS Membership Development

IT’S MORE THAN JUST JOINING, IT’S ENGAGEMENT. There’s an old story about the “breakfast” difference between the chicken and the pig.  The chicken was involved...


Call for Young Professionals

Inviting IEEE TEMS Young professionals to be a part of TEMS YP team.

Please fill the form by clicking on above image.

Leader PDF Version

We have launched an interactive document version of LEADER and its now available in two formats. You can either view online or download the PDF version of LEADER for your offline reading.

PDF Version:

High Resolution: Download(16 MB)

Medium Resolution: Download(6 MB)

Low Resolution: Download (3 MB)

View Online: Click Here


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