I was once, a long time ago, at a large telecommunications company, charged with the creation and implementation of a stage-gate product development framework...
Author - Ravikiran Annaswamy
Students, especially in the field of Engineering and Technology are known to be curious as well as dynamic like mercury. If these students are rightly tapped...
On Conferences 2019Last year, 2018, IEEE TEMS Conferences truly had a productive year as you may have read in a previous conference report in an earlier...
IEEE TEMS Members: Your board (AdCom) approved some updates to the TEMS Bylaws. We are modernizing the society and doing more to engage industry into our...
Where Technology, Business and Innovation Collide EmTech Asia is not an average tech conference. It is a curation of the world’s leading tech executives...
Please find in the link an update on the joint ICE/IEEE ITMC 2018 conference, the theme, the location and the call for papers. Check it out and let us know if...
It has been an exciting year since we revived the IEEE TEMS LEADER Newsletter in June 2016. We have attempted to make the content interesting and relevant. The...
Dear Leaders I am happy to make the July 2017 release of IEEE TEMS Leader, the newsletter and magazine of IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society...
“Customer is King” might sound cliched but they are the sole reason for the existence of any company. Businesses build lasting relationships with their...
The concept of Technical Activities Committees (TACs) was introduced in the January 2016 LEADER. Technical Activities Committees (TACs) are groups of...