The concept of Technical Activities Committees (TACs) was introduced in the January 2016 LEADER.
Technical Activities Committees (TACs) are groups of individuals who have a common technical area of interest and who wish to participate in, even lead the technical activities and programs of the Technology and Engineering Society (TEMS). TEMS has started a Technical Activates Program to allow for interest growth and new directions in the Society addressing the many challenge topics around moving a technical concept to product.
As a member of a TEMS TAC you can engage in proposing and chairing special sessions in conferences, chairing TEMS conferences, contributing to publications all focused along your technical interests. Each group has a leader or “chair” along with a “co-chair” and other positions can be identified. Anyone may join a TAC to engage. Some of the committee benefits require TEMS membership. Any group of members can define a TAC and propose it to the AdCom to have it made official. Each TAC will have a charter, web page and member list. The initial TACs were approved by the AdCom, each with a plan.
To start this program in 2016 we defined 5 TACs and an AdCom member to lead their creation. Four of the initial TACs have succeeded, and we are now working on starting a 5th one for Project Management. The 5 2017 TACs are:
Social Management
Engineering Processes
Digital Enterprise Activities
Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, etc.
Project Management
Each has a link to a web page with the charter and contact for the initial committee leader, as well as a list of members. People can use that web page to join a TAC. Again anyone may join, but to hold a TAC officer position you must be a TEMS member.
The process for members to create a specialized TAC is currently being defined. As an example, one might want to a TAC focused on a particular topic such as “Entrepreneurship with the Internet of Things Technologies,” another on “Marketing Consumer Products” or maybe one on “Management Challenges in Big Data.” Such topics demonstrate that our Field of Interest crosses that of other engineering societies. We can work together with them.
See the links below in this issue of LEADER for contacts and info for joining the TACs.
For 2017 we suggest you start with one or more of the existing TACs. Then as you get engaged you can propose new focused TACs with members of similar interest.
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